Wednesday, September 22, 2010

American Pickers - Civil War Finds

American Pickers – Hey everyone I just got off the phone with the rep from American pickers. They had sent an request to find people and items (Civil War related for the show). This is legitimate and also not a normal show. Fair market value will be paid for items and those items purchased will go in “display” not hidden away in a museum chosen by the history channel. They are looking for individuals not dealers. We have offered to have them on the show to explain more. If you are interested contact me at and I will get you in touch with the right people.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Our History Project Presents - "You Are There" - Lincoln Assassination

This historical audio drama was produced by CBS as the premiere of "You are There!" in 1947. It provides a full cast commentary/play on the assassination and the night at Ford's Theater.

Download the show.